Membership Renewal
- A renewal notice and dues statement are sent to all members in November each year.
- The YGRC membership year is January 1 to December 31; therefore all YGRC memberships expire on December 31 each year.
- To renew, submit a renewal form with your dues, prior to January 1.
- Don't lose the benfits of YGRC membership! No member may vote who has not paid dues for the current year. Renew before the annual meeting held in January!
Renewal of a Lapsed Membership
- A lapsed membership can be renewed after January 1 and before March 1 by paying the annual dues plus a $10 late fee.
- Lapsed members who renew but do not pay the late fee will have Subscriber status until the late fee is paid. At the discretion of the YGRC Board of Directors late fees may be waived in unusual circumstances, upon written request.
- A membership will be automatically terminated if the member’s dues remain unpaid after March 1.