Submit a Listing

YGRC members may list litters, older puppies, and adult dogs with Breeder Referral if the breeder/stud dog owner has been a member of Yankee (or another GRCA-member club) for a minimum of one year, and submits the following:


Referral listings will run for 10 weeks; please contact the Breeder Referral chair to pull or extend the listing.

Yankee recommends that a fully executed, written purchase agreement setting forth all the terms of purchase be obtained before possession of a puppy is transferred to a purchaser.

Litters listed with the Breeder Referral service are also listed in the Finish Lines newsletter.

Please note: Yankee members who own stud dogs may list litters sired by their dog when the breeder is not a YGRC member, provided the same listing criteria have been met by both sire and dam. The Yankee member must be the contact person for the Breeder Referral listing.

Acceptance of a listing does not guarantee placement of puppies, and does not constitute endorsement by YGRC or any of its members. Neither the Yankee Golden Retriever Club nor its Board of Directors assumes responsibility for the quality, health, soundness, or temperament of any litters listed.

Print a litter listing agreement form or copy the form below into a word processor.

Litter Listing Agreement

In consideration for the Yankee Golden Retriever Club listing the breeding of




the undersigned agrees to indemnify and defend Yankee Golden Retriever Club for and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, causes of action, damages, and costs asserted against and/or imposed upon Yankee Golden Retriever Club which are in any manner connect with the forgoing breeding.

The undersigned certifies that he/she is a member of Yankee Golden Retriever Club in good standing and has been a member of Yankee Golden Retriever Club or another GRCA-member club for a minimum of one year.

The undersigned agrees to follow the Yankee Golden Retriever Club Golden Rules and the GRCA Code of Ethics guidelines.

The undersigned agrees to make all health reports (hips, elbows, heart, and eyes) on the above dogs available in an approved online database such as OFA (

Dated __________________ Signed ____________________________________________________

Printed name ______________________________________________________________________

Telephone/e-mail __________________________________________________________________

City/State (from which puppies will go home) ____________________________________________

Date Whelped/Due _________________________________________________________________

Number of puppies: males_____________ females ______________


Send listing agreement and health report links to the YGRC Breeder Referral chair: Barb Lukis, 106 Burlingame Rd, Palmer MA 01069;